

1)    Probst P,Schmidinger H, Weber H, Scheibelhofer W, Kaliman J
Eine neue Methode zur Behandlung von supraventrikulären Rhythmusstörungen.
Wi Kli Wo 1986; 17: 578 – 581

2)    Weidinger F, Schlemmer M, Schmidinger H,Weber H,DomanigE, Wimmer M.
Dysrhythmias following the Mustard and Senning operation for transposition of the great arteries.
Pädiatrie und Pädologie 1987; 22: 259 – 266

3)    Schmidinger H, Weber H, Zwiauer K, Weidinger F, Widhalm K.
Potential life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias associated with a conventional hypocaloric diet.
Int J Cardiol 1987; 14: 55 – 63

4)    Schmidinger H, Weber H.
Sudden death during ambulatory Holter monitoring.
Int J Cardiol 1987; 16: 169 – 176

5)    Schmidinger H.
Value of non – invasive programmed stimulation in the management of endless loop tachycardia.
J Electrophysiol 1988; 2: 246 – 250

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review -1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 368

6)    Schmidinger H, Sowton E.
Physiological variation in the termination window of re – entry tachycardia studied by non – invasive programmed stimulation.
Europ Heart J 1988; 9: 997 – 1002

7)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Rate dependent depression of subsidiary ventricular impulse formation – cause of Stokes – Adams attacks in a patient with rate modulated pacing.
PACE 1988; 11: 1095 – 1097

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 369

8)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Schneider B, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Subsidiary pacemaker function in complete heart block after His – Bundle ablation.
CIRCULATION 1988; 78: 893 – 898

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 307

ausgezeichnet mit dem Österreichischen Kardiologenpreis 1988

9)    Müller Ch, Czernin J, Glogar D, Laczkovics A, Mayr H, Scheibelhofer W, Schmidinger H, Schuster E, Sedlacek K, Kaliman J.
Survival rate and causes of death in patients with pacemakers: dependence on symptoms leading to pacemaker implantation.
Europ Heart J 1988; 9: 1003 – 1009

10)    Schmidinger H, Sowton E.
Comparison of single and double stimuli in termination of re – entry tachycardias.
J Electrophysiol 1988; 2: 492 – 496

11)    Probst P, Gottsauner – Wolf M, Schmidinger H, Weber H.
The influence of nitroglycerine on the inducibility of sustained ventricular tachycardia in coronary heart disease.
Europ Heart J 1988; 9: 136 -138  ( Supp N )

12)    Weber H, Schmidinger H, Rimpfl T, Norman G, Wolfram J.
Wertigkeit der computerassistierten, digitalen Langzeit – EKG Analyse in der klinischen Routine.
WMW 1988; 1, 2: 27 – 33

13)    Zwiauer K, Schmidinger H, Klicpera M, Mayer H, Widhalm K
24 hours electrocardiographic monitoring in obese children and adolescents during a 3 weeks low caloric diet (500 kcal)
Int J Obesity 1989; 13 – supp 2: 101 – 105

14)    Weber H, Anvari A, Probst P, Schmidinger H, Gottsauner-Wolf M,  Pürerfellner H, Wolfram J, Kaindl F.
EPS: Do we evaluate antiarrhythmic therapy or do we risk  stratification?
New Trends in Arrhythmias.1990; 6: 1173 – 1178

15)    Steurer G, Weber H, Schmidinger H, Plass H, Frey B, Pürerfellner H,     Probst P.
Plasma propafenone concentration in the evaluation of antiarrhythmic efficacy.
Europ Heart J 1991; 12: 526 – 532

16)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Schneider B, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Determinants of subsidiary ventricular pacemaker suppression in man.
PACE 1991; 14 – I: 833 – 841

17)    Frey B, Weber H, Steurer G, Plass H, Schmidinger H, Anvari A, Probst P.
The Value of Plasma – Level Measurements of Antiarrhythmic Drugs in the Clinical Routine.
New Trends in Arrhythmias. 1991, 7: 455 – 458

18)    Steurer G, Schmidinger H, Frey B.
Antiadrenergic cardiovascular adverse effects of high dose amiodarone loading regimen.
Int J Cardiol 1992; 35: 278 – 280

19)    Binder T, Frey B, Porenta G, Heinz G, Wutte M, Kreiner G, Gössinger H, Schmidinger H, Pacher R, Weber H
Prognostic Value of Heart Rate Variability in Patients Awaiting Cardiac Transplantation.
PACE 1992, 15 – II: 2215 – 2220

20)    Anvari A, Graninger W, Schneider B, Sochor H, Weber H and Schmidinger H
Cardiac Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM 1992, 35 – 11: 1356 – 1361

ausgezeichnet mit dem Staatspreis 1993 für Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Rheumatologie des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit, Sport und Konsumentenschutz

21)    Heinz G, Kreiner G, Binder T, Schmidinger H, Frey B, Anvari A, Weber H and Gössinger H
Successful radiofrequency ablation of both atrioventricular nodal reentrant and circus movement tachycardia
Am Heart J 1993, 125 – 1: 256 – 259

22)    Frey B, Heinz G, Kreiner G, Schmidinger H, Weber H and Gössinger H
Increased Heart Rate Variability after Radiofrequency Ablation
Am J Cardiol 1993, 71: 1460 – 1461

23)    Domanovits H, Laske H, Stark G, Sterz G, Schmidinger H, Schreiber W, Müllner M, Laggner AN
Adenosine for the management of patients with tachycardias – a new protocol
Europ Heart J 1994, 15: 589 – 593

24)    Rimpfel T, Schmidinger H, Pidlich J, Wolosczuk W, Pietschmann P
Serum Levels of Parathyroid Hormone in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Osteologie 1994; 3 – 2:197 – 200

25)    Frey B, Heinz G, Binder T, Wutte M, Schneider B, Schmidinger H, Weber H, Pacher R
Diurnal variation of ventricular response to atrial fibrillation in patients with advanced heart failure
Am Heart J 1995; 129: 58 – 65

26)    Grimm M, Grimm G, Zuckermann A, Wieselthaler G, Daneschvar H, Kocher A, Feuerstein M, Schmidinger H, Podczeck A, Pacher R, Schreiner W, Wolner E, Laufer G.
Strategien zum Management von Herztransplantationskandidaten mit der Anamnese tachykarder ventrikulärer Rhythmusstörungen.
Wi Kli Wo 1995; 107: 479 – 484

27)    Grimm M, Grimm G, Zuckermann A, Wieselthaler G, Feuerstein M, Daneschvar H, Schmidinger H, Schreiner W, Wolner E and Laufer G.
ICD Therapy in Survivors of Sudden Cardiac Death Awaiting Heart Transplantation.
Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 59: 916 – 920

28)    Grimm M, Wieselthaler G, Avanessian R, Grimm G, Schmidinger H, Schreiner W, Podczeck A, Wolner E and Laufer G.
The Impact of Implantable Cardioverter – Defibrillators on Mortality among Patients on the Waiting List for Heart Transplantation.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 110: 532 – 539

29)    Anvari A, Stix G, Grabenwöger M, Schneider B, Türel Z, and Schmidinger H.
Comparison of Three Cardioverter – Defibrillator Implantation Techniques: Initial Results with Transvenous Pectoral Implantation.
PACE 1996; 19: 1061 – 1069

30)    Stix G, Anvari A, Grabenwöger M, Merhaut Ch, Türel Z, Laufer G, Schmidinger H.
Implantation of a unipolar cardioverter / defibrillator – system under local anaesthesia.
Europ Heart J 1996; 17: 764 – 768

31)    Bardy GH, Yee R, Jung W for The  Active Can Investigators.
Multicenter experience with a pectoral, unipolar implantable defibrillator.
Principal Investigator AKH Wien: Schmidinger H, Co – Investigators AKH Wien: Anvari A, Stix G.
J Am Coll Cardiol 1996, 28: 400 – 410

32)    Anvari A, Mast F, Schmidinger H, Schuster E, Allessie M.
Pharmacological modulation of ventricular defibrillation energy requirements by lidocaine, ajmalin and diltiazem in isolated rabbit heart.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1997: 29 (4): 429 – 435

33)    Pidlich J, Pfeffel F, Zwiauer K, Schneider B, Schmidinger H.
The effect of weight reduction on the surface electrocardiogram. A prospective trial in obese children and adolescents.
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1997; 21: 1018 – 1023

34)    Fazeny B, Meghdadi S, Dejaco C, Kastner J, Marosi C, Schmidinger H.
Recurrent cardiac tamponade as first manifestation of gastric cancer.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1998; 10: 621 – 622

35)    Pidlich J, Peck – Radosavljevic M, Kranz A, Wildling R, Winkelbauer FW, Lammer J, Mayer C, Müller C, Stix G, Gangl A, Schmidinger H.
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and cardiac arrhythmias.
J Clin Gastroenterology  1998; 26: 39 – 43

36)    Rosenquist M, Beyer T, Block M, den Dulk K, Minten J, Lindemans F, on behalf of the European 7219 Jewel ICD investigators. Principal investigator AKH Wien: Schmidinger H.
Adverse events with transvenous implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: A prospective multicenter study.
CIRCULATION 1998; 98: 663 – 670

37)    Hoffmann E, Steinbeck G, for the European Jewel Investigators.
Experience with pectoral versus abdominal implantation of a small defibrillator. A multicenter comparison in 778 patients.
Investigators AKH Wien: Schmidinger H, Anvari A, Stix G.
Eur Heart J1998: 19: 1085 – 1098

38)    Anvari A, Gottsauner – Wolf M, Türel Z, Stix G, Podesser B, Mayer Ch, Schuster E, Schmidinger H.
Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators.
Cardiology 1998; 90: 180 – 186

39)    Stix G, Anvari A, Pernerstorfer T, Grimm M, Türel Z, Mayer Ch, Laufer G, Schmidinger H.
Local anaesthesia versus general anaesthesia for cardioverter / defibrillator implantation.
WiKliWo 1999; 111: 406 – 409

40)    Krahn AD, Klein GJ, Yee R, Takle-Newhouse T, Norris C; for the Reveal Investigators. Investigator AKH Wien: Schmidinger H.
Use of an Extended Monitoring Strategy in Patients With Problematic Syncope.
CIRCULATION 1999; 99: 406 – 410

41)    Englund A, Behrens S, Wegscheider K, Rowland E, for the European 7219 Jewel Investigators. Investigator AKH Wien: Schmidinger H.
Circadian Variation of Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients With Ischemic and Nonischemic Heart Disease After Cardioverter Defibrillator Implantation.
J Am Coll Cardiol 1999; 34: 1560 – 1568

42)    Stix G, Della Bella P, Carbucicchio C, Schmidinger H.
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of de – and repolarization may complicate ICD therapy in Brugada Syndrome.
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2000; 11 (5): 516 – 521

43)    Pruvot E, Thonet G, Vesin JM, van Melle G, Seidl K, Schmidinger H, Brachmann J, Jung W, Hoffmann E, Tavernier R, Block M, Podczeck A, Fromer M.
Heart rate dynamics at the onset of ventricular tachyarrhythmias as retrieved from implantable cardioverter-defibrillators in patients with coronary artery disease.
CIRCULATION  2000; 101 (20): 2398 – 2404

44)    Sandner Sigrid, Wieselthaler G, Zuckermann A, Taghavi S, Schmidinger H, Pacher R, Ploner M, Laufer G, Wolner E, Grimm M.
Survival benefit of the implantable cardioverter/defibrillator in patients on the waiting list for cardiac transplantation.
CIRCULATION  2001; 104: I 171 – 176

45)    Schoels W, Swerdlow Ch, Jung W, Stein K, Seidl K, and Haffajee Ch for the worldwide Jewel AF Investigators. Investigator AKH Wien: Schmidinger H.
Worldwide clinical experience with a new dual – chamber implantable cardioverter defibrillator system.
J Cariovasc Electrophysiol 2001; 12: 521 – 528

46)    Gillis AM, Unterberg-Buchwald C, Schmidinger H, Massimo S, Wolfe K, Kavaney DJ, Otterness MF, Hohnloser SH; GEM III AT Worldwide Investigators.
Safety and efficacy of advanced atrial pacing therapies for atrial tachyarrhythmias in patients with a new implantable dual chamber cardioverter-defibrillator.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2002 Nov 6;40(9):1653-9

47)    Crevenna R, Stix G, Pleiner J, Pezawas T, Schmidinger H, Quittan M, Wolzt M.
Electromagnetic interference by transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation in patients with bipolar sensing implantable cardioverter defibrillators: a pilot safety study.
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2003 Feb;26(2 Pt 1):626-9.

48)    Pezawas T, Stix G, Kastner J, Wolzt M, Mayer C, Moertl D, Schmidinger H.
Unexplained syncope in patients with structural heart disease and no documented ventricular arrhythmias: value of electrophysiologically guided implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy.
Europace. 2003 Jul;5(3):305-12.

49)    Wisser W, Khazen C, Deviatko E, Stix G, Binder T, Seitelberger R, Schmidinger H, Wolner E.
Microwave and radiofrequency ablation yield similar success rates for treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2004 Jun;25(6):1011-7.

50)     Pappone C, Augello G, Rosanio S, Vicedomini G, Santinelli V, Romano M, Agricola E, Maggi F, Buchmayr G, Moretti G, Mika Y, BenHaim SA, Wolzt M, Stix G, Schmidinger H.
First human chronic experience with cardiac contractility modulation by nonexcitatory electrical currents for treating systolic heart failure: mid-term safety and efficacy results from a multicenter study.
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2004 Apr;15(4):418-27.

51)    Stix G, Borggrefe M, Wolpert C, Hindricks G, Kottkamp H, Bocker D, Wichter T, Mika Y, Ben-Haim S, Burkhoff D, Wolzt M, Schmidinger H.
Chronic electrical stimulation during the absolute refractory period of the myocardium improves severe heart failure.
Eur Heart J. 2004 Apr;25(8):650-5.

52)     Ferlitsch A, Kreil A, Bauer E, Schmidinger H, Schillinger M, Gangl A, Peck-Radosavljevic M.
Bradycardia and sinus arrest during percutaneous ethanol injection therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Eur J Clin Invest. 2004 Mar;34(3):218-23.

53)    Sodeck GH, Schmidinger H, Wieselthaler G, Domanovits H.
Remember – treat the patient not the ECG!
Resuscitation 2005 Aug;66(2):119-20.

54)    Pezawas T, Stix G, Kastner J. Schneider B, Wolzt M, Schmidinger H.
Ventricular tachycardia in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy: clinical presentation, risk stratification and results of long-term follow up.
Int J Cardiol. 2006; 107: 360 – 8

55)    Winker R, Frühwirth M, Saul P, Rüdiger HW, Pezawas T, Schmidinger H, Moser M.
Prolonged asystole provoked by head-up tilt testing.
Clin Res Cardiol. 2006 Jan;95(1):42-7.

56)    Pezawas T, Stix G, Kastner J, Schneider B, Wolzt M, Schmidinger H.
Implantable loop recorder in unexplained syncope: classification, mechanism, transient loss of consciousness and role of major depressive disorder in patients with and without structural heart disease.
Heart. 2008 Apr;94(4):e17. Epub 2007 Oct 18.

57)    Borggrefe MM, Lawo T, Butter C, Schmidinger H, Lunati M, Pieske B, Misier AR, Curnis A, Böcker D, Remppis A, Kautzner J, Stühlinger M, Leclerq C, Táborsky M, Frigerio M, Parides M, Burkhoff D, Hindricks G.
Randomized, double blind study of non-excitatory, cardiac contractility modulation electrical impulses for symptomatic heart failure.
Eur Heart J. 2008 Apr;29(8):1019-28. Epub 2008 Feb 12.

58)    Nielsen JC, Kottkamp H, Zabel M, Aliot E, Kreutzer U, Bauer A, Schuchert A, Neuser H, Schumacher B, Schmidinger H, Stix G, Clémenty J, Danilovic D, Hindricks G.
Automatic home monitoring of implantable cardioverter defibrillators.
Europace. 2008 Jun;10(6):729-35. Epub 2008 Apr 22.

59)    Schmidinger M, Zielinski CC, Vogl UM, Bojic A, Bojic M, Schukro C, Ruhsam M, Hejna M, Schmidinger H.
Cardiac Toxicity of Sunitinib and Sorafenib in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma.
J Clin Oncol. 2008 Oct 6.

60)    Schukro C, Berger T, Stix G, Pezawas T, Kastner J, Hintringer F, Schmidinger H.
Regional prevalence and clinical benefit of implantable cardioverter defibrillators in Brugada syndrome.
Int J Cardiol. 2010 Oct 8;144(2):191-4. Epub 2009 Apr 23.

61)   Goliasch G, Khorsand A, Schütz M, Karanikas G, Khazen C, Sochor H, Schmidinger H, Wolzt M, Graf S.
The effect of device-based cardiac contractility modulation therapy on myocardial efficiency and oxidative metabolism in patients with heart failure.
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2012 Mar;39(3):408-15

62)    Schukro C, Leitner L, Siebermair J, Pezawas T, Stix G, Kastner J, Schmidinger H.
Impact of accelerated ventricular tachyarrhythmias on mortality in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy.
Int J Cardiol. 2013 Sep 10;167(6):3006-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2012.09.015. Epub 2012 Sep 25.

63)    Pezawas T, Ristl R, Bilinski M, Schukro C, Schmidinger H.
Single, remote-magnetic catheter approach for pulmonary vein isolation in patients with paroxysmal and non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Int J Cardiol. 2014 Jun 1;174(1):18-24. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.03.013. Epub 2014 Mar 15.

64)    Pezawas T, Binder T, Ristl R, Schneider B, Stojkovic S, Schukro C, Schmidinger H.
Selection for atrial fibrillation ablation: Importance of diastolic function grading.
J Cardiol. 2015 Jun;65(6):479-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2014.07.018. Epub 2014 Aug 26.

65)    Pezawas T, Grimm M, Ristl R, Kivaranovic D, Moser FT, Laufer G, Schmidinger H.
Primary preventive cardioverter-defibrillator implantation (Pro-ICD) in patients awaiting heart transplantation. A prospective, randomized, controlled 12-year follow-up study.
Transpl Int. 2015 Jan;28(1):34-41. doi: 10.1111/tri.12436.

66)    Pezawas T, Diedrich A, Winker R, Robertson D, Richter B, Wang L, Byrne DW, Schmidinger H.
Multiple autonomic and repolarization investigation of sudden cardiac death in dilated cardiomyopathy and controls.
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2014 Dec;7(6):1101-8. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.114.001745. Epub 2014 Sep 27.

67)    Stojkovic S, Ristl R, Moser FT, Wolzt M, Wojta J, Schmidinger H, Pezawas T.
T-wave variability for the prediction of fast ventricular arrhythmias – prospective, observer-blind study.
Circ J. 2015;79(2):318-24. doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-14-1028. Epub 2014 Dec 5.

68)    Pezawas T, Ristl R, Schukro C, Schmidinger H.
Health-related quality of life changes in patients undergoing repeated catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation.
Clin Res Cardiol. 2016 Jan;105(1):1-9. doi: 10.1007/s00392-015-0879-3. Epub 2015 Jun 24.

69)    Pezawas T, Diedrich A, Robertson D, Winker R, Richter B, Wang L, Schmidinger H.
Risk of arrhythmic death in ischemic heart disease: a prospective, controlled, observer-blind risk stratification over 10 years.
Eur J Clin Invest. 2017 Mar;47(3):231-240. doi: 10.1111/eci.12729. Epub 2017 Feb 11.

Proceduri / Capitole de carte / Recenzii de articole

1)    Weber H, Joskowicz G, Schmidinger H, Weidinger F, Kaindl F.
Indication, analysis, quality and clinical satisfaction in Holter monitoring.
IEEE Computers in Cardiology 1985; 377 – 378

2)    Weidinger F, Schmidinger H, Baumgartner Ch, Schuster M, Joskowicz G, Weber H.
Holter monitoring in the evaluation of antiarrhythmic drug  therapy.
Proc XIII Cong Non – Inv Cardiovasc Dyn 1985; 317 – 319

3)    Weber H, Kiss H, Müller Ch, Weidinger F, Schmidinger H, Scheibelhofer W, Joskowicz G.
ECG – telefon – telemetry and Holter monitoring in patients with arrhythmia suspected symptoms.
Proc XIII Cong Non – Inv Cardiovasc Dyn 1985; 512 – 523

4)    Weber H, Schmidinger H, Mohl W, Probst P.
Moderne Therapiestrategien ventrikulärer Arrhythmien.
Therapie Woche 1988; 6: 548 – 561

5)    Weber H, Schmidinger H, Norman G, Rimpfl T, Wolfram J.
Variabilität von Rhythmusstörung und Symptomen – ihr Einfluß auf die Langzeit – EKG – Analyse.
WMW 1988; 1, 2: 12 – 18

6)    Weber H, Rimpfl T, Norman G, Schmidinger H, Pürerfellner J.
Evaluation of symptoms possibly related to arrhythmias.
New Trends in Arrhythmias 1988; 4: 863 – 870

7)    Weber H, Schmidinger H, Auinger Ch, Wolfram J, Rimpfl T, Norman G, Schmid R.
Holter ECG and the evaluation of patient´s symptoms
Electrocardiography and cardiac drug therapy
Edited by Hombach V, Hilger HH, Kennedy HL
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1989: 47 – 57

8)    Weber H, Schmidinger H, Rimpfl T, Binder T, Anvari A.
Klinische Wertigkeit und Grenzen der Langzeit-EKG-Untersuchung.
Was gibt es Neues in der Medizin ?
Medizinisches Jahrbuch 1989: pp 169 – 184
Herausgeber: H Neugebauer, Dr. Peter Müller Verlag – Wien

9)    Schmidinger H, Weber H, Probst P, Mohl W, Schwarz S
Chirurgische Therapie ventrikulärer Arrhythmien
Panta Rhei 1989; 1 : 16 – 21

10)    Weber H, Schwarzacher S, Schmidinger H, Anvari A, Wolfram J, Rimpfl T Probst P.
Holter monitoring as a safety monitor for cardiac adverse effects of     therapy
J Amb Monitoring 1990; 3: 223 – 228

11)    Probst P, Gottsauner – Wolf M, Weber H, Schmidinger H.
Die Wirkung von Diprafenon bei anhaltenden ventrikulären     Tachykardien.
Neue Aspekte in der Therapie mit Antiarrhythmika
Präklinische und klinische Ergebnisse mit Diprafenon
Hrsg.: F Bender, H Gülker
Steinkopff Verlag Darmstadt 1990: pp 169 – 172

12)    Weber H, Schmidinger H, Probst P.
Therapiestrategien bei Herzrhythmusstörungen
Forum Dr. MED 1990; 1: 24 – 34

13)    Frey B, Binder T, Porenta G, Buxbaum P, Schmidinger H, Pacher R,     Weber H
Heart rate , heart rate variation and RR intervall variability in     patients waiting for heart transplantation; who is at urge?
Neinvaz. kardiol 1992; 1: 253 – 255
Proceedings from the 9th European Conference of International Society of Noninvasive Cardiology, October 9 – 11 1991, Bratislava CSFR

14)    Binder T, Porenta G, Nürnberg M, Frey B, Nitsch G, Donesch B, Heinz G, Anvari A, Kreiner G, Gössinger H, Schmidinger H, Pacher R, Weber H and Steinbach K
Heart rate variability as a potential predictor of cardiac death: a comparison of spectral and non – spectral parameters
Cybernetics and Systems Research 92; Vol 2: 909 – 914
Proceedings of the 11th Europ Meeting on Cybernetics and System     research

15)    H Schmidinger
Kammertachykardie und Kammerflimmern – Diagnostisches Vorgehen zur Auswahl der Patienten für nichtmedikamentöse Therapieverfahren
WMW 1992; 142: 341 – 346

16)    Frey B, Siostrzonek P, Gottsauner – Wolf M, Heinz G, Kreiner G, Anvari A, Binder T, Steurer G, Schmidinger H, Weber H, Gössinger H, Probst P
Comparison of succsessful direct current and radiofrequency energy ablation of the atrioventricular junction: a follow up study.
Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Cardiac Pacing
Euro – Pace 1993

17)    Schmidinger H, Anvari A, Stix G, Asenbaum S, Türel Z, Mayer Ch.
Der implantierbare Cardioverter Defibrillator: Prävention des plötzlichen Herztodes.
Intern 1995; 8: 13 – 27

18)    Haffajee Ch, Martin D, Bhandari A, Bardy G, DeSouza C, Kuehlkamp V, Church T for the Jewel active can investigators.
Principal Investigator AKH Wien: Schmidinger H,
A Multicenter, Randomized Trial Comparing an Active Can Implantable Defibrillator with a Passive Can System.
Cardiostim 96 Proceedings
PACE 1997; 20 (Pt. II): 215 – 219

19)    Stix G, Mayer C, Kastner J, Schmidinger H.
Hochfrequenz – Katheter Ablation bei supraventrikulären     Arrhythmien.
KLINIK Journal 1997; 4-2: 8 – 10

20)    Schmidinger H.
The Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator as a „Bridge to Transplant“: a Viable Clinical Strategy ?
Am J Cardiol 1999; 83: 151 D – 157 D

21)    Schmidinger H.
Kommentar zur Kasuistik „Patient mit multiplen Tachyarrhythmien”
Die elektrische Erkrankung des Herzens
Universum Innere Medizin 2001
Fachzeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin

22)    Stix G, Mayer Ch, Wolzt M, Schmidinger H.
Management ventrikulärer Tachyarrhythmien und Prävention des plötzlichen Herztodes.
J Kardiol 2001; 8: 234 – 242

23)    Stix G, Pezawas Th, Wolzt M, Mayer Ch, Schmidinger H.
Stand der ICD – Therapie.
J Kardiol 2001; 8: 384 – 389

24)    Schmidinger H.
Österreichische Ärztezeitung 2003; 10: 26

25)    Pezawas T, Schmidinger H.
Effiziente Synkopenabklärung: Wann soll der implantierbare Loop-Recorder verwendet werden ?
J Kardiol 2004; 11: 353 – 358

26)    Schmidinger H.
Home monitoring new technique & new service
Athens 2004

27)    H. Neuser, A. Schuchert, H. Schmidinger, B. Schumacher.
Home Monitoring zur Individualisierung der ambulanten Nachsorge bei Patienten mit implantiertem Kardioverter-Defibrillator.
Health Academy – Telekardiologie 01 / 2004; 112 -122

28)    Schmidinger H.
Diagnostik und Therapie von Herzrhythmusstörungen
PROMED 2005 Heft 5: 34 – 38

29)     Lawo Th., Borggrefe M., Butter Ch., Hindricks G., Schmidinger H., Mika Y., Burkhoff D., Pappone C., Sabbah HN.
Electrical Signals Applied During the Absolute Refractory Period.
An investigational treatment for advanced heart failure in patients with normal QRS duration
J Am Coll Cardiol 2005

30)    H Schmidinger
in: Innere Medizin – Symptome und klinische Probleme
MCW Tertial, Hg.: Anton Luger, Leopold Öhler
1. Auflage 2005; 119 – 129

31)    C. Aigner, G. Stix, H. Schmidinger, R. Seitelberger, E. Wolner, W. Wisser.

Die MAZE-Operation zur Behandlung des chronischen Vorhofflimmerns im Langzeitverlauf: 3-Jahres-Ergebnisse.
J Kardiol 2005; 12: 279–81.

32)    H Schmidinger
Primärprävention des plötzlichen Herztodes
MEDMIX 9 / 2008: 29 – 31

Rezumate din lucrări originale drept capitole de carte

1)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Schneider B, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Subsidiary pacemaker function in complete heart block after His-bundle ablation.
Circulation 1988; 78(4): 893 – 898

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 307

2)    Schmidinger H.
Value of noninvasive programmed stimulation in the management of endless-loop tachycardia.
J Electrophysiol 1988; 2: 246 – 250

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 368

3)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Rate dependent depression of subsidiary ventricular impulse formation – cause of Stokes-Adams attacks in a patient with rate modulated pacing.
PACE 1988; 11: 1095 – 1097

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 369

Teză post-doctorală

Ca teză post-doctorală, au fost consolidate 3 lucrări:

1)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Schneider B, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Subsidiary pacemaker function in complete heart block after His – Bundle ablation.
CIRCULATION 1988; 78: 893 – 898

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 307

ausgezeichnet mit dem Österreichischen Kardiologenpreis 1988

2)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Rate dependent depression of subsidiary ventricular impulse formation – cause of Stokes – Adams attacks in a patient with rate modulated pacing.
PACE 1988; 11: 1095 – 1097

Abstract publiziert in:
Clinical Concepts In Arrhythmias: An Annual Review-1989
Edited by William J. Mandel, MD und Jerry C. Griffin, MD
Futura Publishing Company, Inc, Mount Kisko, NY 1990, p 369

3)    Schmidinger H, Probst P, Schneider B, Weber H, Kaliman J.
Determinants of subsidiary ventricular pacemaker suppression in man
PACE 1991; 14: 833 – 841